Poster Design
Illustration and Poster Design
With the Covid-19 quarantine enacted, people were encouraged to stay home to try to prevent the virus from spreading. This poster was made in response to a UN prompt for designers to create posters informed and encouraged people to do what they could to stay safe. I wanted the call to action to be clear at a glance so I titled it “Stay Home” and attached a link to let people know where they could obtain more information about the virus and how important social distancing was in stopping its spread. Since the theme was about staying home I chose show this through illustrations of people in their windows at home. I wanted to show that even though we were separated we were never truly alone. My biggest inspiration for this design were Wonka chocolate bars from the movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory. I love the rich and flashy colors that cover the chocolate packaging as well as the curvy and whimsical typeface and wanted to replicate that in this poster. A local hospital in Caldwell County, Kentucky used this poster on their walls to inform and encourage their patients and employees. This was published in the Murray State University online news.